What do you wish for?

Do you base our choices on what you want, or what you think you're supposed to want? Let yourself feel what you feel and want what you want, THEN engage your mind in the process. The best wishes are born from your heart.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

CAYA-Related Events at PantheaCon 2013

Friday, February 15

The Modern and Improved Rite of (Theurgic) Sacrifice
Sam Webster
Friday, 7:00PM, San Martin/San Simeon

Animating the Herm
Sam Webster
Friday, 9:00PM, OSOGD Suite - Room 1060

Conjurers, Root Women, Vodou Queens and Hoodoo Mamas
Szmeralda Shanel and The Iseum of Black Isis
Friday, 9:00PM, Oak

Witchcraft at the Crossroads
Storm Faerywolf
Friday, 9:00PM, San Jose/Santa Clara

Restorative Community Circle; Tolerance, Cooperation and Love
Crystal Blanton
Friday, 9:00PM, San Martin/ San Simeon

Pomba Gira Devotional
American Magic Umbanda House
Friday, 11:00PM, Cedar/Pine

Ekklesia Antinoou
Friday, 11:00PM, San Jose/Santa Clara

Saturday, February 16

CAYA Coven Wake up to Spirit Ritual
CAYA Coven
Saturday, 9:00AM, Cedar

Shades of Ritual; Minority Pagans in Practice
Shades of Faith Authors
Saturday, 9:00AM, Carmel

Gender Harmony: Forming Deep Alliances
Claire Medeiros and others (including Yeshe Rabbit and Stella Iris RedRaven)
Saturday, 11:00AM, Silicon Valley

Yab-Yum of Hermes and Aphrodite
Temple of Aphrodite
Saturday, 7:00PM, OSOGD Suite - Room 1060

Trans Deities For All: Meeting the Tetrad
Ekklesia Antinoou
Saturday, 7:00PM, Silicon Valley

The King’s Road
Brotherhood of the Moon
Saturday, 9:00PM, San Juan/San Carlos

Healing With The Ancestors
Luna Pantera
Saturday, 9:00PM, Silicon Valley

Magick and the Occult America: 1820-1952
Jason W. Mankey
Saturday, 9:00PM, San Jose/Santa Clara

Love Songs of the Goddess
The Bloodroot Honey Priestess Tribe
Saturday, 11:00PM, Fir

Antinoan Dream Incubation Ritual
Ekklesia Antinoou
Saturday, 11:00PM, San Jose/Santa Clara

Sunday, February 17

Invoking Columbia: the Lost American Goddess
Holly DeFount and Karen Krebser
Sunday, 9:00AM, San Simeon

Pan: The God of All
Jason W. Mankey
Sunday, 11:00AM, Pine

To Thoth Hermes Mercury
Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn
Sunday, 1:30PM, Fir

Odd Fellows: A Spirited Discussion on Modern Paganism
Jason W. Mankey and Kenny Klein
Sunday, 3:30PM, San Juan/San Carlos

The Rite of 1,000 Crowns
The Living Temple of Diana and the CAYA Grove of Artemis
Sunday, 7:00PM, Oak

Druid Ritual with Danse Macabre
House of Danu
Sunday, 7:00PM, San Juan/San Carlos

Songs of the Tarot
Robin Dolan
Sunday, 9:00PM, Silicon Valley

Cybele and the Angry Inch
Circle of Dionysos
Sunday, 11:00PM, Club Max

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