What do you wish for?

Do you base our choices on what you want, or what you think you're supposed to want? Let yourself feel what you feel and want what you want, THEN engage your mind in the process. The best wishes are born from your heart.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

CAYA's Warm Blanket and Coat Drive 2013 - December Reminder

Happy Month of Solstice!

As the days get colder and the hours of darkness get longer, the warmth of generosity and the light of friendship become ever more precious.  In the spirit of sharing CAYA’s wealth of generosity and friendship with our wider community, the CAYA Public Service Track is organizing a Warm Blanket and Coat Drive for this season.  

At our rituals for December*, we will be happy to collect donations of warm coats, blankets (and also hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and sweaters), as well as cash donations towards providing warmth to our neighbours in the East Bay Area.  

We will be donating the items and the money we collect to East Oakland Community Project’s Crossroads Emergency Shelter, a place where all are treated with respect and dignity, where sustainable use of resources is practiced, and where scarcity can be transformed into abundance.  http://www.eocp.net/what-we-do/crossroads

Last year’s drive was a great success, and Crystal Blanton of the Pagan Newswire Collective wrote this great article about the CAYA Public Service Track’s projects for 2012:
I am so grateful for this community!  Together, we can steer the world gently towards a more loving, more respectful, more sustainable future!


Molly Blue Dawn

*Saturday, December 14, Grove of Artemis and Brotherhood of the Moon
celebrate the Giving Moon
Friday, December 20, Bloodroot Honey Priestess Solstice of the Goddess Rising
Saturday, December 21, CAYA Solstice of Eternal Renewal.

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