What do you wish for?

Do you base our choices on what you want, or what you think you're supposed to want? Let yourself feel what you feel and want what you want, THEN engage your mind in the process. The best wishes are born from your heart.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Molly Blue Dawn's List of Events for the Week starting Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day, British Traditional Wicca 101, Sherehe Ya Mwedzi, Fundamentals of Astrology, Walnut Festival, Peace One Day, Nature and Soul Retreat, Fall Open House at The Dream Institute, Feng Shui for Mothers and Babies, Drum Circle at The Mystic Dream, Befriending Darkness, Eat Real Festival, Earthdance Synchronized Prayer for Peace, A Witchy Class, Benefit Concert, Italian Street Painting Festival, Much Ado About Sebastopol, Sacramento Pagan Pride Harvest Festival, Casa de Fruta Renaissance Faire, Art in Nature, Idunna Blot and Apple Harvest Celebration, Celebratory Reception for Huston Smith, Tea and Tarot, Fall Equinox Drum Circle, Shamanic Drum Circle, Tea and Chanting with Rabbit

Talk Like a Pirate Day
Wednesday, September 19
on board your vessel, somewhere on the Seven Seas

Avast, me Hearties!

If ye would not be mistaken fer a scurvy dog, remember to talk like a Pirate today!  Even a land lubber can learn!

British Traditional Wicca 101 with Lady Argante
Wednesday, September 19, 7:00-9:00PM,
and 12 more Wednesdays through December 19
The Sacred Well, 536 Grand Avenue, 510-444-9355
$10 per class

“Join Lady Argante, a third-degree Gardnerian Elder and the High Priestess of the Coven Daoine Sidhe for a 12-week spiritual and practical introduction to British Traditional Wicca. Classes will include basic history of the Tradition, cosmology and Wheel of the Year; meditations on the Goddess, the God, and the four elements; basic magical ethics and methods; and includes informal rituals for Mabon and Samhain.

Class themes for September:       
September 19:
The Wheel of the Year and Mabon feast
September 26:
Tools/Correspondences/The Coven, Trance and Psychic States/Safe Space Meditation

Class space is limited, so call The Sacred Well today at (510) 444-9355 to sign up for the entire course, or for any individual class.”

Sherehe Ya Mwedzi: A Ceremony for the Harvest Moon
Thursday, September 20, 7:30PM
Bay Area location given upon RSVP
for more information or to RSVP, please e-mail iyamahea@thesacredforest.org

“Inspired by African spirituality, our Full Moon Ceremonies honor the Moon and the Water Spirits. The ritual commemorates hope and renewal through song, healing movement and mbira meditation. Participants are encouraged to bring their own symbol of renewal to place on the altar upon arrival. No fee for admission, and all are welcome. Directions forwarded upon our receiving your RSVP.”

Fundamentals of Astrology 1: Learning the Language
with astrobarry
Thursday, September 20, 7:30-9:30PM,
and three more Thursdays, September 27, October 4 and 11
The Sacred Well, 536 Grand Avenue, Oakland, 510-444-9355
$140 for all 4 classes (registration required)

“In Part One of astrobarry's 4-part astrology course, we will master the essential building-blocks of astrology. In addition to covering the different facets of what astrology is, we'll conduct in-depth interpretive explorations of each of the zodiac signs, the planets, the houses, and the aspects (geometric angles between planets).

This class provides a wonderful entry into the world of astrology, introducing the archetypal symbols which comprise this centuries-old system of divination and celestial insight.”

Walnut Festival
Thursday-Sunday, September 20-23
Heather Farm Park, 500 San Carlos Drive, Walnut Creek
see website for details of schedule and tickets

“The first Festival held in 1911 was a celebration of the harvest of grapes and was called 'The Grape Festival'. During prohibition, grapes were replaced with walnuts as the cash crop of the area and the vineyards became walnut groves. In 1936, the harvest celebration became known as The Walnut Festival. The Walnut Festival Association was officially incorporated in 1938 and except for a suspended period during World War II, has been celebrated as the popular annual community event it remains today.

As Walnut Creek as grown, and suburban developments have replaced walnut groves, the Walnut Festival Association has maintained the tradition of producing fundraising events for the benefit of the community. Locations for the event have changed over the years from the center of town to Civic Park and finally, in 1976, to Heather Farm Park, where is is now held the third Thursday after the first Monday in September.”

Peace One Day
Friday, September 21
All over the World

“It started with a crazy idea

Over the last 10 years, Peace Day has been proved as an opportunity for life-saving activities and action by individuals worldwide. For Peace Day 21 September 2012, Peace One Day is calling for and working towards a day of ceasefire and non-violence - the Global Truce 2012 campaign. We hope that this will be the largest global reduction of violence ever recorded on one day - and the largest ever gathering of individuals in the name of peace.”

Nature and Soul Retreat for Autumn Equinox
with Jan Edl Stein, MFT
Friday, September 21, 9:30AM-4:00PM
Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center, 1601 Shoreline Highway, Muir Beach, 415-383-3134
$118 early registration up to two weeks before the event, $140 within two weeks of the event

“Nature and Soul: A day of retreat where nature mirrors our inner landscape

This seasonally offered retreat is a day of renewal and rediscovery, as we open ourselves to the land around us in addition to the landscapes within us.  This is a deeply experiential daylong retreat for restoration of health, psyche and spirit, offering a renewal of the soul's intention and a re-connection with the elements of nature that support us.  We will slow down and take in the beauty that surrounds us and let nature reflect the shapes and patterns that are held in the psyche.

The day is a combination of indoor experiences that involves guided meditation and inner journey process and outdoor, land-based contemplative practices. The experience as a whole is an embodied example of eco-therapy.  Each retreat day reflects themes of the season in the meditations, journeys and our approach to the elements we discover in nature.
No previous experience is necessary.

The retreat takes place in the beautiful setting of Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center, with its splendid coastal range flora, meandering gardens, Japanese architecture, and easy walk to the beach.  An organic, vegetarian lunch (included in registration fee)  is offered to the group in the dining hall.  Retreat fees include lunch and refreshments.

Details on how to prepare for the day an a confirmation of registration will be sent one week before the event.

Retreat leader, Jan Edl Stein MFT, is the director of Holos Institute and a licensed psychotherapist with many years of experience in guiding people into deep explorations in their own psyche as they open to deeper levels of perception in the natural world.

Autumn Equinox: Harvesting creations and turning inward. This will be a day to reflect upon all you have created in your inner and outer worlds and a preparation for releasing.”

Fall Open House at The Dream Institute
Friday, September 21, 5:00-8:00PM
The Dream Institute of Northern California, 1672 University Avenue, Berkeley, 510-845-1767

“You are invited to drop by for good food, meaningful conversation, meeting creative people, and hearing news from the recent IASD and Shamanism Conferences. Bring a dream you might wish to tell. Art exhibit with works by Liz Filmer, Ruth Gendler, Rue Whittaker

The Dream Institute is a cultural and educational center whose mission is to encourage interest in dreaming as an ancient, evolved resource, available to all, that informs and inspires our cultural and personal lives.”

Feng Shui for Mothers and Babies
with Alexis Almeida
Friday, September 21, 6:00-8:00PM
The Mystic Dream, 1437 N Broadway, Walnut Creek, 925-933-2342

“I will be discussing how classical feng shui principles can benefit both mothers and babies from the womb to their first year of life. In particular, I will discuss how sleeping environments energetically impact an infant's health. Moreover, I will cover how mothers can create a nursery or transform their own bedroom to maximize their babies’ potential for health and restful sleep.

Alexis fell in love with the Bay Area while she attended University of California Berkeley. After learning that law school was not for her, she decided to attend the Golden Gate School of Feng Shui in Berkeley, California and earned her certification. She is a maternity feng shui consultant specializing in creating healthy and energetically sustainable environments for mothers and their babies.”  

Befriending Darkness:
An Evening With Black Madonnas, Kali, Isis, Gaia and Other Dark Mothers
By Ella Rozett
presented by Sonoma County Pagan Network  
Friday, September 21, 7:00PM
Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center, 2050 Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa
$3-$5 donation requested, no one turned away for lack of funds

“Come to be nourished and enlightened in darkness. We will contemplate, share, and hear about how the Dark Mother archetype appears in different cultures and times.

To many people Mary is the Heavenly Mother of all, and like a good mother she seeks to meet all the needs of her children. She plays many roles for many different kinds of people: She is the heiress of the thrones of the pre-Christian goddesses. She is the bride of the Christian God, the bride in the Song of Songs, who represents all souls seeking union with the Divine and says:’"I am black but beautiful.’ (1:5) She is a rebel against the establishment, a heavenly therapist, a spiritual guide.

Ella's presentation will focus on these and other aspects of the Dark Mother archetype. She will also lead us in a meditation focusing on the Dark Mother archetype and then open conversation to the group for discussion about their meditative experience.

Ella Rozett taught classes on Buddhism, Christianity, and Women in Religion at the Santa Rosa Junior College, North of San Francisco from 1998 to 2005. She studied Comparative Religious Studies in Germany and the US and received her MA in Buddhist Studies with an emphasis on Christian-Buddhist Comparative Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. She has been a public speaker on religious issues since 1987. She leads interfaith meditation groups in jails, recovery centers, and churches. She has ministered to the sick and the dying in hospitals and in their homes.

Ella is a truly interfaith, bridge-building woman. She was born in 1961 in Germany, of Jewish descent on her mother's and gentile on her father's side. She was baptized and confirmed in the Reformed Evangelical church, but her first spiritual passion was roused by Native American spirituality. Since a pilgrimage to India in 1983, her practice has been a mixture of Buddhist meditation and Christian prayer. She attends Catholic Church almost every day, participates in monthly Sufi zikrs and receives the blessing of Mata Amritanandamayi (a Hindu guru) every year when she comes from India.  This may sound confusing to others, but she is perfectly happy with so many blessings and with her practice of 2-3 hours of prayer and meditation a day and fasting according to the instructions of Our Lady of Medjugorje twice a week.

September Gathering - Special Mabon Food Drive
Please Bring Non-Perishable Food Items!

Potluck Feast

Since our gathering is at the dinner hour, we ask that you bring a potluck dish and/or non-alcoholic brew to share that serves 4-6 people. Let’s treat ourselves to a good meal. Please bring your own place setting. There will be hot water available for tea.

We ask non-members to make a donation of $5-$3 to help us cover operating costs. No one turned away for lack of funds.”

Eat Real Festival
Friday-Sunday, September 21-23,
Friday 1:00-8:00PM, Saturday 11:00AM-8:00PM, Sunday 11:00AM-7:00PM
Jack London Square, 466 Water Street, Oakland
free admission

“Eat Real Festival is a social venture created to inspire eaters to choose tasty, healthy, good food. Through a vibrant, local festival in Oakland, CA, and a focus on delicious and sustainable street food, Eat Real puts eaters in contact with the real people - the farmers, chefs, and producers - who make our food. Eat Real Festival will donate a percentage of its profit to several California organizations promoting access to healthy and affordable food, entrepreneurship and economic development.”

Earthdance Synchronized Prayer for Peace
Saturday, September 22, 4:00PM

“The highlight of the annual multi-location Earthdance Festival is a simultaneous link up, when every event across the world plays the Prayer for Peace at the exact same moment - morning in the Australian rainforest, afternoon in California, midnight in London, and sunrise over the Himalayas - the Prayer for Peace is a profound and powerful moment that unifies our intentions for World Peace on all levels.

We are one global family

All colors, All races

One world united.

We dance for peace and the healing of our planet Earth

Peace for all nations.

Peace for our communities.

And peace within ourselves.

As we join all dance floors across the world,

Let us connect heart to heart.

Through our diversity we recognize Unity.

Through our compassion we recognize Peace.

Our love is the power to transform our world
Let us send it out


A Witchy Class
Saturday, September 22, 7:00PM (and the fourth Saturday of every month)
Antioch Public Library, 501 W 18th Street, Antioch
Please RSVP - see Meetup page for more information

“Join us for a series of classes about the craft.
You will find a bit of everything; working within ritual space, energy workings, history, ethics - And there's more, there's always more!”

Thanks to Ardys for letting me know about this event!

Benefit Concert for the Cancer Treatment of Sarah T.
with Green and Root, Kim Baker, Rachel Efron, and Irina Rivkin
Saturday, September 22, 8:00PM
Rose Street Music, 1839 Rose Street, Berkeley
$10-$99 sliding scale, $5-$9 for low income
No fragrances please, to keep it accessible for those with chemical sensitivities.

“Sarah T., a former Rose Street volunteer, is facing a severe recurrence of cancer. Sarah has exhausted her personal resources on cancer-related expenses, and she’s awesome, so we put together an inspiring, healing, and fun concert to raise funds for integrative treatment!
Music, delicious food, maybe even a silent auction, and you!

About the artists:

Irina Rivkin http://www.irinarivkin.com
Original jazzy-rhythmic world-folk OutMusic Awardee Irina Rivkin, layers poetic lyrics, rich textured harmonies, and vocal beats, all created on-stage through live-looping.

Green and Root http://www.greenandroot.com
Green and Root’s catchy tunes are infectious without being repetitive, wise without being preachy, and tender without being sappy.

Rachel Efron http://www.rachelefron.com
‘Balancing fragility and strength, introspection and unblinking observation, Oakland singer, songwriter, and pianist Rachel Efron sets her lambent, poetically charged lyrics to soft, caressing melodies.’ - Andrew Gilbert, SF Chronicle

Kim Baker http://www.kimbaker.com
Kim Baker makes her musicianship and songwriting accessible to all with her insightful and melodic driven songs. Her eclectic array of songs is best described as thoughtful acoustic rock.

Rose Street House of Music is a volunteer-run house concert and touring musical community bringing out women's voices through original poetic music of substance and depth. All genders are welcome as audience, volunteers, concert-hosts, and back-up musicians for the artists we feature.”

Italian Street Painting Festival
Saturday-Sunday, September 22-23,10:00AM-5:00PM
Plaza along Main Street between Castro Street and Estudillo Street, Martinez

“The Martinez Italian Street Painting Festival will celebrate its 9th year in downtown Martinez on September 22 and 23. The street painting festival will feature street chalk artists in the plaza, arts and crafts booths, a "Little Italy" vendor area, Italian entertainment, food, beer, wine, and bocce.
Amateur and professional artists will be creating their chalk art in the plaza area between Starbuck's and Bank of America. This 400 year old Italian tradition will be the highlight of the festival. Artists will begin on Saturday at 10:00am and continue throughout the weekend.

Inspired by the art? You will be able to create their own masterpiece on a 2'x2' square on for $10.00 and the box of chalk is yours to keep.”

Much Ado About Sebastopol
Saturday-Sunday, September 22-23, Saturday 10:00AM-6:00PM, Sunday 10:00AM-5:00PM
Ives Park, 7400 Willow Street, Sebastopol
Adults $12, Ages 6-14 $6, Under 6 Free

“Step back in time for a FULL WEEKEND this year...
Join us for a family-friendly Renaissance Faire. Make herbal soap while listening to
a wandering minstrel...enjoy some ice cold lemonade while watching a storyteller...
sit back and take in a short Shakespeare performance while having a scrumptious lunch.

Come celebrate the Feast of St. Michael (Michelmas) - when rents are due, wages are paid, and the harvest has been brought in and stored for the long, dark, cold months ahead. It's time for the people of the little town of Fenford to relax and enjoy some well-earned recreation while giving thanks that their harvest was bountiful, and that they'll make it through the coming winter.

Queen Elizabeth has been out hunting with her courtiers, and her Master of Horse, Robert Dudley, The Earl of Leicester has arranged a surprise for her. He intends to lead her back to his manor by way of the celebration. Here she will meet her people and be entertained in their rustic fashion.

An experience not to be missed...

The Faire will be open from Saturday 9/22 from 10:00AM to 6:00PM and Sunday 9/23 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM.  Faire admission on Saturday 9/22 will also allow you to stay for a special performance and Live Auction from 6:00PM to 10:00PM in the main stage and Pip 'n Vine areas.

Save $2 per ticket on Pre-sale admission tickets as follows:

Single Day
$10 for adults, $5 for students ages 6 through 14, and free for children under 6 years of age.

$18 for adults, $8 for students ages 6 through 14, and free for children under 6 years of age

Purchase Tickets Now and avoid lines at the Faire, and save money! Remember, all proceeds go to the Sebastopol Union schools. Presale tickets are available online and at People's Music and Copperfield's in Sebastopol.

Admission to the Faire includes:
Entertainment on our two stages, plus wandering entertainment and craft demonstrations
Student Passport program
Workshops on a variety of interesting subjects
Select games - Tug-a-War and Giant Jenga
A special performance and live auction from 6:00PM to 10:00PM

Faire Bucks
Faire Bucks (increments of $1) will be sold for delicious food, fun games, and amazing, hands-on crafts. There will also be a number of Marketplace merchants selling wares, and a wine auction in the Pip 'n Vine Tavern.”

Sacramento Pagan Pride Harvest Festival
Saturday-Sunday, September 22-23
Fair Oaks VFW Hall, 8990 Kruithof Way, Fair Oaks

“Pagan Pride Day and Harvest Festival is place where magic is afoot, and fairies dance. It is where you can learn the ways of old or learn just enjoy life.

Pagan Pride Day and Harvest Festival goal is to educate the masses, those who are looking for fellowship, and bring the community together. And of course, this is all done with fun and mayhem.”

Casa de Fruta Renaissance Faire
Saturdays-Sundays, September 22-23, 10:00AM-6:00PM,
and every weekend through October 14
10021 Pacheco Pass Hwy 152, Gate 6, Hollister (south of Gilroy)
$25 Adults, Children under 12 Free!  Parking $5
Discounted tickets available through the website

The theme for this weekend is Pirate Invasion Weekend
Beware of pirates invading the village of Willingtown. Sir Francis Drake is looking for new crew members. Children 7 and under can meet the Queen and Captain Drake in our annual wee pirate costume contest.  

This year, there are Celtic rock concerts scheduled for 6:00 each Saturday evening in the jousting arena!
The band for Saturday, September 22, is The Mighty Regis:
“The Mighty Regis is a six member musical assault combining punk, folk and Celtic influences into an original, floor-stomping gut punch of a good time. Mixing traditional instrumentation (mandolin, accordion, tin whistle), scorching guitar and a crushing rhythm section with an unabashedly DIY/punk philosophy, TMR has built its loyal following one show at a time since 2007.”

Art in Nature: The Nature of Art Festival
Sunday, September 23, 11:00AM-5:00PM
Stream Trail of Redwood Regional Park, 7867 Redwood Road, Oakland
Free admission
Please see below for details of parking and shuttle fees

“Art in Nature: The Nature of Art Festival
Annual FREE admission multidisciplinary performing arts Festival located at the Stream Trail of Redwood Regional Park in Oakland, California.

Shuttle Bus Depot and Parking Lot at Merritt College, 12500 Campus Drive, Oakland, CA 94619

Experience participatory art that is in relationship with nature, and shows the creative process of the artists.

Stroll along the mile-long Stream Trail of Redwood Regional Park and experience more than 200 artists and performers tucked among the meadows, redwoods and oaks in this family, bicycle and dog friendly festival.

Experience art in nature and delve into the nature of art in 12 Theme Areas featuring music, dance, sculpture, painting, martial arts, poetry, body painting, circus arts, theater, visual arts, storytelling, arts and crafts and kids events.

Bring a picnic lunch! There will be two food trucks outside the trail but NO vendors, or items for sale in the festival.

While no admission is charged for the festival, the Redwood Regional Park parking has a $5 fee, it is very limited and will fill up by the crew and volunteers early Sunday morning. For that reason this year there will be a shuttle bus running throughout the day from nearby Merritt College. Park there and begin your adventure early with an entertaining ten minute ride to the entrance of the festival. While we are planning to have enough capacity to handle the expected crowd, the shuttle capacity is limited so we highly recommend to buy your ticket now! http://artinnaturefestival2012.eventbrite.com

Idunna Blot and Apple Harvest Celebration
with Solar Cross Temple and Sunna Kindred
Sunday, September 23, 12:00-6:00PM
Berkeley - RSVP for address
please RSVP to Swordplow at opsis {at} sbcglobal(.)net

“Join us to honor the Goddess Idunna. We will toast and ask her blessing. The blot will occur at 1:00PM, but we encourage people to begin arriving at noon.

Activities planned for the day:
Apple harvesting
Juice pressing
Cider making
Apple butter making
BBQ and feasting

Bring a jar or bottle if you want to take home juice or apple butter.  Also bring food to share and to BBQ.  We will have one grill for vegetarian offerings and one for meat and fish.  Instruments are welcomed, too!  Bring guitars or drums or flutes if you feel inspired.  Children with parent or legal guardian are welcome.

Let us celebrate the harvest together, honor the spirits of the land, and praise Idunna who brings the gift of renewal.”

Celebratory Reception for Huston Smith
Sunday, September 23, 2:00-4:00PM
SAGRADA Sacred Arts, 4926 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA  94609, 510-653-7196

“Join us anytime from 2:00-4:00PM to meet and spend some time with this distinguished scholar of world religions. Copies of his new book, And Life Rejoicing: Chapters from a Charmed Life, will be available for autographs.  Enjoy a glass of wine/sparkling water and savor the Sagrada ambience.  Mark your calendar and don't miss this chance to meet a great spirit of our time.

Spiritual trailblazer Huston Smith has written comprehensive books about religion and a memoir of his own life, but nowhere has he merged the two elements of seeking and experience with such storytelling flair as he has in these pages.  

Few have done as much as Smith to explore and illuminate the world's religions and spiritual traditions, and none have done it with such accessibility, wonder, and delight.

In this joyous volume, he looks back on his extraordinary life, describing riveting scenes with unforgettable characters in India, Africa, Tibet, and Japan. Smith's charm and exuberance come through on every page.”

Tea and Tarot
with Charlie London and Chas Bogan
Sunday, September 23, 4:00-6:00PM, and the fourth Sunday of every month
The Mystic Dream, 1437 N Broadway, Walnut Creek, 925-933-2342
Donations accepted to cover cost of tea

“Tarot lovers of every skill level will enjoy Tea and Tarot. Each month we will explore a new facet of working with the cards, examining multiple meanings, layouts, and learning how to express our insights with others.”

Fall Equinox Drum Circle
Sunday, September 23, 6:30PM
Sacred Stream Center, 2149 Byron Street, Berkeley, 415-333-1434
For more information, e-mail info@sacredstream.org

“Equinox and Solstice Drumming Circles

We hold drumming circles four times a year to come together to honor the season and to focus on healing for the community and the earth. We invite you to join us.
You do not have to be experienced in drumming or shamanism to attend. It is recommended that you know how to journey, though not required.

If you have a drum or rattle, please bring it. Some drums and rattles will be available to borrow.

Upcoming dates:  
December 9, 2012 - Winter Solstice Drum Circle”

Shamanic Drum Circle
with Eve Crowe
Monday, September 24, 7:00-9:00PM
Birth Keepers, 2130 4th Street, San Rafael
Donations requested.  Shamanic journey experience required

“Come journey to the beat of the drum to explore your power animal and teacher in a deeper way. Shamanic journey experience required.

Please bring a drum, rattle, notebook and a small donation for the space.

Be well,

Tea and Chanting with Rabbit
Tuesday, September 25, (and the fourth Tuesday of each month)
Meet for tea at 7:30PM, chanting begins at 8:00PM for 30 minutes
The Sacred Well, 536 Grand Avenue, Oakland, 510-444-9355
$5 suggested donation

“Join Rabbit for an evening of the herbal and the verbal.  After sharing information about this month's unique, delicious herbal tea, and explaining this month's mantra, we will chant for approximately 30-50 minutes.  

Beginners are always welcome at every class. Join us to drop in, center, and recharge your batteries!”

Have a Friendly, Real, Natural, Peaceful Week!

Molly Blue Dawn

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