I’m including some late June events on the list for July.
CAYA South Bay's Midsummer Social Event
Festival Theatre Ensemble’s
Alice in Wonderland
Thursday, June 28, 6:45PM
Full Circle Farms, 1055 Dunford Way, Sunnyvale
(Park in the school parking lot at 1095 Dunford Way)
Adults $10, Children $3
Grove of Hekate Women's Full Moon Circle - Tantric Goddesses: Song
Saturday, June 30
8:00PM (no one admitted after circle is cast)
409 E. Campbell Avenue, Suite 220 (upstairs from Moonfyre Metaphysical)
Downtown Campbell
$10 donation requested
Grove of Artemis Women's Full Moon Circle - Confucian Virtues: Wisdom
Saturday, June 30
Doors open at 7:45PM, doors locked at 8:15PM when circle is cast
2121 Bonar Street, Berkeley, Studio C
$10 donation requested
Brotherhood of the Moon Men's Full Moon Circle - Center/Herald
Saturday, June 30
Doors open at 7:45PM, doors locked at 8:15PM when circle is cast
1250 Addison Street, Berkeley, Studio 209
$10 donation requested
CAYA Fun for Everyone!
Water Slides (which ones to be determined)
Sunday, July 8
follow the link to the CAYA Facebook page for more details
Cross Sidhe says:
“Maia Mermaidian and I are still deciding which water park to go too. All we know it will be local. So spend the time in the Sun and Water with all of your CAYA friends. If you don't really have any CAYA friends yet then now is your chance!!!!
If you are interested in the CFE Water Slides on Sunday July 8th please let us know. Also, please privately message me your admission affordability (This will help us determine where we are going).”
CAYA East Bay Lammas
Saturday, July 28
outdoor location in Berkeley to be announced
$10 donation requested
CAYA Sprouts Lammas
Sunday, July 29
Berkeley - exact location given upon RSVP
Please RSVP to hvnwalker@yahoo.com
“Sprouts offers Sabbat rituals and social events that are specifically designed for children up to age ten. However, all self-identified families are welcome to attend.
Come and celebrate the Wheel of the Year with us!”
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