Please Note - Special Time and Place!
CAYA’s Festival of Heart and Harvest
Saturday, August 2, 5:00PM
Live Oak Park, 1275 Walnut Street, Berkeley
$10 donation requested
“Come As You Are to...
Festival of Heart and Harvest!
presented by CAYA Coven’s Cauldron of the Celts
We will be at the Picnic site near the Berkeley Center of the Arts entrance whose address is:
1275 Walnut St, Berkeley, CA 94709
Ritual starts at 5:00PM.
Come out to the beautiful park and join us for a fine potluck feast of community and joy, as we pay honor to the Dagda! The Dagda is one of the Irish chieftain gods, the keeper of the Cauldron of Plenty, Guardian of all Knowledge, Wielder of the Club of Life and Death, and all around Good God. With the Good God’s blessing we look to the future and each other. We give thanks for the many gifts that are present at our table, and recognize that sacrifices were made and must continue to be made, for the betterment of ourselves and the community as a whole. This feast will be made all the grander by your presence and contribution!
IMPORTANT: What to bring?:
This is a potluck feast. So please bring a dish clearly labeled (Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-free, Carnivorous) with enough to share. If you have dietary restrictions please bring a dish that you can enjoy.
To be more environmentally friendly, please consider bringing your own mug/drinking vessel, plate and utensils.
This ritual is outside in Berkeley. The temperature can change dramatically. Please wear layers and bring a coat to fend off the cold.
Your merry self!”
Please note new location!
The Bloodroot Honey Priestess Tribe
welcomes self-identified women to
The Rite of the Abundant Queen
Saturday, August 9
Doors open at 7:45PM, doors locked at 8:15PM when circle is cast
Terra’s Temple, 3051 Adeline Street, Berkeley
$20 donation requested
Clothing is optional
The Mother reaps the fruits of her labors and becomes the Queen of her own realm. She attains a new level of power, authority, responsibility, and wealth. This is the Sabbat when she becomes the CEO, or the Tribal leader, or the Shamaness. She has given of her body and service in her mother years, and now gets to enjoy the rewards of that generosity and service by taking a prominent place within her community. This is a good time for gratitude workings, honoring our achievements, celebrating good memories, recognizing the abundance in our lives, overcoming neediness, self-validation, reaffirmation of our commitment to good stewardship and positions of authority in life.
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