What do you wish for?

Do you base our choices on what you want, or what you think you're supposed to want? Let yourself feel what you feel and want what you want, THEN engage your mind in the process. The best wishes are born from your heart.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Molly Blue Dawn's List of Events for the Week starting Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Intermediate Tarot with Rabbit, Brick Show 2012, Concert in the Redwood Grove, Chakra Balancing Workshop, Steampunk Cinderella, The Princess Bride: Live!, Blue Moon Esbat Ritual, Mount Wanda Moonlight Walk, King Tut Festival, Gold Rush Days, Capitola Begonia Festival, Northern California Women's Herbal Symposium, Earth Energy Walk, Goddess Awakening, The Robin Hood Ball, Scottish Highland Games, Historic Rail Fair, King's Mountain Art Fair, Adobe/Cob Oven Workshop, Oakland Pride, A Course In Modern Conjure, Healing With The Spirits Of The Ancient Healers, Abbot's Bromliad, Labor Day Ritual, South Bay Pagan Salon, Freddie Mercury’s Birthday, Dancing Priestess and Snake Yoga Retreat for Women

Intermediate Tarot with Rabbit
Wednesday, August 29, 7:30-9:30PM,
and one more Wednesday, September 5
The Sacred Well, 536 Grand Avenue, Oakland, 510-444-9355
$35 per class  

“If you have taken Rabbit's Art of Tarot Class, and you'd like to take the next step as a reader, consider taking Intermediate Tarot.

This class is designed to help the student of tarot begin to explore creativity, shift the internal landscape, and integrate the wisdom of the tarot more fully into daily life choices.

August 29: Intuitive Listening: the temporary autonomous relationship is everything
September 5: Tarot Rituals: shaping your life with the tarot”

Brick Show 2012
Wednesday-Sunday, August 29-September 2, 1:00-8:00PM - final week
Bay Area Family Church, 2305 Washington Avenue, 2nd Floor, San Leandro
$4 (ages 2 and under free)

“An event for the whole family!

A miniland made out of LEGO.  From underwater to tall skyscrapers.  Prehistoric to Science Fiction.  There is something for everybody.

Get inspired by the LEGO exhibit, then put your own creativity to work with the available LEGO.  Take a picture of your creation to show your family and friends.  

Play LEGO games and compete with other visitors.  Challenge yourself to control LEGO NXT robots.”  

Concert in the Redwood Grove
featuring Will Sprott of the Mumlers and Paula Frazer
Thursday, August 30, 5:30-7:30PM - final week
“Doors” open at 5:00PM.  
UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, 200 Centennial Drive, Berkeley
Adults $12, Youth $5, under 5 Free
Please register online at the website below
for more information, e-mail garden@berkeley.edu

“Join us this summer for a series of concerts in our beautiful Redwood Grove!

60’s R&B tinged folk rock and alternative country

Will Sprott
Will Sprott, also known by his band name The Mumlers, has a penchant for conjuring the specters of haunting ‘60s folk. He wears his influences on his sleeve, borrowing from heyday rock ‘n’ roll just enough to leave room for his own embellishments, of which his soulful voice stands as a distinct highlight. In Sprott’s solo work you’ll find that even more exposed, his talents are given wiggle-room to burst and bloom.

Paula Frazer
Paula Frazer music is frequently described as melancholic alternative country, but with an eclectic mix of folk, blues and pop, among other genres, and always emphasizing her extraordinary voice.  She first came to notice by fronting the band Tarnation in the 1990s, which became a cornerstone of the nascent Americana music scene (the album I'll Give You Something To Cry About was touted by Rolling Stone as one of the 25 best Americana records ever).  Frazer has appeared on recordings and in concert with many bands and solo artists including Sean Lennon, Handsome Boy Modeling School, and Nick Cave.

Ticket includes admission to the Garden before 5:00PM. BYO picnic and drinks welcome.”

Thanks to Pixie for letting me know about this event!

Chakra Balancing Workshop
with Iris
Thursday, August 30, 7:30-9:30PM - final week
The Sacred Well, 536 Grand Avenue, Oakland, 510-444-9355
$35 per class  
Space is limited, please call to reserve your space

“Join Iris for an in-depth look at your Chakras, the energy centers of the body that govern our physical, emotional and mental health. We will practice vocalizations, movements, and meditative visualizations to open, energize and balance our chakras. We will also explore and focus on individual imbalances, and how to correct underactive or overactive chakras. Come and join the discussion, be witnessed in your transformation, and heal yourself while learning a new language to talk to your body.

All registered students get a discount on new chakra stone sets, charged for balance, health and wholeness by Iris RedRaven.”

Steampunk Cinderella
presented by Curtain Call Performing Arts
Thursday-Friday, August 30-31, 8:00PM - final week
San Leandro Arts Center, 2200 Bancroft Avenue, San Leandro
Adults $25, Students and Seniors $15http://www.curtaincallperformingarts.org/#!shows/ctzx

“You know the fairy tale: A beautiful young woman put to task by her wicked stepmother, true love discovered at a Royal Ball, a handsome prince to the rescue... but you've NEVER seen it like this. Curtain Call Performing Arts brings the science and fantasy of Steampunk to the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein coming-of-age story, resulting in a feast for the eyes and ears in this highly-anticipated show.​

At Curtain Call Performing Arts we bring the magic of Broadway to the San Francisco Bay Area. Our focus is on producing quality, affordable community theatre, and making the arts accessible to everyone.  Whether you are an avid theatre buff, a student who has never experienced the enchantment of live theatre, or a casual Broadway fan there is a Curtain Call production for you.”

The Princess Bride: Live!
Thursday-Saturday, August 30-September 1, 8:00PM
The Dark Room Theater, 2263 Mission Street, San Francisco, 415-401-7987

“What happens when the Most Beautiful Woman in the World marries the bravest Prince in the World - and he turns out to be a son of a bitch? Fencing, Fighting, True Love, Miracles, Swell Escapes, Death, Lies, Truth and a little Sex abound in The Princess Bride: Live!, Dark Room Productions' tribute to the hottest fairy tale ever written. All we need is a Miracle!

The impossibly lovely Buttercup (Khamara Pettus) falls in love with Westley (James Galileo), a poor, perfect farm boy who dies at the hands of the Dread Pirate Roberts. The fabled hunter, Prince Humperdinck (Dan Foley), convinces Buttercup to marry him, but not before the land's most notorious criminal ensemble, Vizzini the Sicillian (Alexia Staniotes), Fezzik the giant (Jim Fourniadis) and Inigo the fencer (Cameron Eng), kidnap her - with the mysterious Man in Black hot on their trail. They face the Cliffs of Insanity, traverse the Fire Swamp, rage against the Machine and go to the Chapel of Love; but they'll need a Miracle before this inconceivable epic ends happily ever after. The Princess Bride: Live! is a tribute to the classic tale of high adventure and true romance from William Goldman. Buy the book, and read it to someone you love.

This show benefits Dark Room Productions, the in-house production team at the Dark Room Theater. They donate space rental, tech skills, equipment and manpower to local theater groups, keeping community theatre affordable and prolific, and within reach of artists just starting out.”

Blue Moon Esbat Ritual
with The Living Temple of Diana
Friday, August 31, 7:00-8:30PM
The Mystic Dream, 1437 N Broadway, Walnut Creek, 925-933-2342

“A Blue Moon is when there are two full moons in a calendar month. In honor of this rare event we are happy to offer a rite of the Goddess of the Moon! On Friday, August 31 from 7-8:30PM join The Living Temple of Diana for a witches' esbat; a celebration of the Goddess in everyone as we draw down the moon and honor the light that shines in the dark. All are welcome!”

Mount Wanda Moonlight Walk
Friday, August 31, 7:30PM
Meet at the CalTrans Park and Ride lot, Alhambra Avenue and Franklin Canyon Road, Martinez
for more information or to make reservations, please call 925-228-8860

“Join National Park Service Rangers for a free full moon walk at John Muir National Historic Site's Mt. Wanda.

Begin with a gentle saunter up Mt. Wanda to watch the full moon rise. Visitors may see the big beautiful moon rise over Mt. Diablo, and may spot the nocturnal native grey fox.

Mt. Wanda, a 325-acre open space of oak woodlands and grassland, is part of the John Muir National Historic Site (NHS). Mt. Wanda is named after Muir's eldest daughter, Annie Wanda Muir. Visitors can visit Mt. Wanda almost anytime they like, as it is open sunrise to sunset, seven days a week. This guided walk provides visitors a unique nighttime activity in nature.

Meet at the CalTrans Park and Ride lot at the corner of Alhambra Avenue and Franklin Canyon Road, Martinez (at the Alhambra Ave. exit off Highway 4). Bring water, binoculars (if you have them), a light jacket, and a flashlight. Wear good walking shoes because the trail is steep. If it rains heavily, the walk will be canceled.”

King Tut Festival
Friday-Sunday, August 31-September 2
Friday 5:00-10:00PM, Saturday 10:00AM-9:00PM, Sunday 12:00-8:00PM
Saint Antonius Coptic Church, 2500 Hansen Road, Hayward

"We invite you to join us at the 20th annual King Tut Festival, for a glimpse into one of the most storied and ancient civilizations in the world. The Festival will be filled with delicious foods, ornate arts and crafts available for purchase, historical and cultural information, and more. There are kids activities, senior discounts are available, and best of all, ADMISSION IS FREE! It’s great entertainment for the entire family! Mark your calendars, and don’t miss the royal treatment you’ll receive at the 2012 King Tut Festival!”

Gold Rush Days
Friday-Monday, August 31-September 3, 10:00AM-5:00PM
Historic Old Sacramento, 101 I Street, Sacramento

“Hitch up the team to your buckboard and come on down! Bring the young'uns and the in-laws, the neighbors and the new folk just off the stage from Back East.  Heck, bring your sweetheart along for a thrill… During Labor Day Weekend in Old Sacramento you’ll find yourself transported back to the days of Gold and Glory, when California was a brand-new state with brand-new ideas. Join in the truly old-time fun in the world of Yesterday!

More than 200 tons of dirt will pave the streets of Old Sacramento as this annual festival "turns back the clock," transforming Sacramento's historic district into a scene straight out of the 1850s. Hundreds of costumed performers take on the roles of celebrities, personalities and just plain folks, bringing history to life while bluegrass pickers and old-timey Musicians perform on several stages, evoking the vivid tunes of the times.

Featuring Dancers, Street Dramas, Wagon Rides, Gold Panning, Period Artifacts, Storytelling, Craft Making, Embarcadero Tent City, Period Musicians, Horse-Drawn Carriages and much more!”

Capitola Begonia Festival
Friday-Monday, August 31-September 3
the beautiful seaside Village of Capitola, near Santa Cruz

"The homespun Capitola Begonia Festival has its roots in the moist, cool coastal climate of Santa Cruz County, California, which is eminently hospitable to the tuberous begonia. Major begonia growers were located in Capitola and Santa Cruz in the mid-20th Century, and a festival in late summer--when the begonias are in spectacular bloom--was a natural way to extend the late-summer coastal tourist season.

The 'Pacific Begonia', as it is known, was hybridized in Capitola. At the turn of the Century, the Brown family immigrated to Capitola. They tried for years to develop some sort of sustainable agriculture to assure their survival in this sparsely populated, primarily tourist area called 'Camp Capitol'. Obtaining Begonia bulbs from Germany, who bragged of 'the best flowers', and Begonia tubers from Belgium, who claimed 'the strongest tubers', the Browns cross-bred the 2 varieties, and developed the Pacific Begonia. From the 1930's to the 1970's, approx 90% of the worlds Begonias came from the Brown Bulb Ranch in Capitola.

Peggy Matthews was a local resident who taught swimming. She staged the Capitola Water Follies every fall, to showcase her swimmers. Peggy couldn't help but notice all the Begonia flowers going to waste on the Brown Bulb Ranch (where the Capitola Mall is today). Of course, she was not aware that the growers had no interest whatsoever in the flowers; they were propagating bulbs. The death of the flowers signified that it was time to dig up the bulbs and send them to market. Begonias are not a 'cut flower'.

So, in 1951, Peggy was given permission to pick as many flowers as she wanted. That year the Capitola Water Follies featured paddleboards decorated with Begonias, and that is basically how the Begonia Festival got its start. The next year was the first year of actual 'floats', and even though the real "Capitola Begonia Festival' was not official until 1954, we have always used 1952 as the starting date. Today, the Begonia fields are in Marina, which is Monterey County, and the Golden State Bulb Growers Association maintains a very large area of many types of bulbs. There are 43 acres dedicated to Begonias, over 3 million blooms, come late summer. A spectacular sight!!!"

Northern California Women's Herbal Symposium
Session 2: Friday - Monday, August 31-September 3
Black Oak Ranch, 50350 Highway 101, Laytonville
see website for detailed schedule and registration details

“PlantWomen gather! The Tribe comes together!

Now, two times a year, women from many backgrounds of life gather together in great celebration for four full days of inspiring Herbal and Sustainability classes, gourmet vegetarian meals, talented campfire capers, amazing handcrafted marketplace items, Rites-of-Passage Ceremonies, powerful campfire drumming and dancing, refreshing swimming hole dips, and conversations with remarkable and inspiring women!

We meet together under the ancient oaks, douglas firs, and bay trees of Northern California. Our main gathering area is encircled by sixteen tipis with a large firepit in the center. All classes are held sitting on the ground under these majestic trees, or under shade tarps that we have set-up. At night we camp together, either in the tipis or in tents that we each bring.

During the days we are a gathering of women and children studying, teaching, learning, networking, and talking about plants, healing, and healthy lifestyles. When the sun goes down we become a playful and celebratory group, chatting, chanting, singing, showing off our talents, drumming and dancing into the night around the campfire.

We are a group of 350-400 women and children and we gather to learn from each other, to nurture and nourish each other, to take a break from our daily lives, to regenerate, refresh, dance, frolic, talk plants, and most of all, to have a REALLY GOOD THYME together!

Each session is a separate event. Do join us for one or both sessions!”

Earth Energy Walk
with Community Seed
Saturday, September 1, 9:45AM-1:00PM (and first Saturday of every month)
Nisene Marks Crossroads, intersection of Wilshire Drive and Danube Drive, Aptos
see link below for directions to meeting place

“Join us on our monthly walks, and feel the power of the Earth.  
Walks are on the first Saturday of each month!

Gather at 9:45AM
Departure: 10:00AM
Return: around 1:00PM.

Our walk is usually about 2-3 hrs round trip with a stop for meditation half way in. We will walk rain or shine, however... if the forecast is very stormy, call ahead to verify. 831-469-0336
Before beginning our walk together, we will take a moment to center our minds and bodies. Once we are all fully present, we will begin our journey, all the while tuning in, listening, and absorbing the energies of the elements, plants, and animals. Halfway into our walk we will sit for meditation, a guided visualization, and to share food.

Drinking water
A small snack
Hiking Shoes
Comfortable Clothes
Money for Parking (Several parks)
If the location is not listed... please call or email us.  831-469-0336, info@communityseed.org

The Robin Hood Ball
presented by PEERS
Saturday, September 1, Doors Open 6:45PM, Dance Lesson: 7:00PM, Dancing
Begins: 8:00PM
Masonic Lodge of San Mateo, 100 N Ellsworth Avenue, San Mateo

“Join Robin Hood, Lady Marian, and the Merry Men at the Blue Boar Inn for a rousing English Country Dance.

Dance to the glorious music of Renaissance rock band Avalon Rising, who will play Medieval and Renaissance music, Celtic fusion rock, and some highly anachronistic English country dances and waltzes from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

There will be a pre-ball dance class for those desiring to brush up on the evening's country dances, and all country and set dances will be briefly taught or called at the ball.

Remember that, like most adaptations of the Robin Hood legend, this is a purely fantasy event. While this particular version of the legend is set in the 12th century, during the absence of King Richard the Lion-hearted, costumes from the later Middle Ages, the Renaissance, or any fantasy version of either are very welcome. As usual, costumes are admired but not required.

The Blue Boar Inn boasts, of course, our famous no-host bar and a light Olde English snack buffet (Potluck contributions to the Kitchen are most welcome, especially if lifted from the Sheriff of Nottingham's table).”

Scottish Highland Games
Saturday-Sunday, September 1-2
Pleasanton Fairgrounds, 4501 Pleasanton Avenue, Pleasanton
see website for schedule and ticket details

Taber tossing!  Bagpipes!  Whiskey!  Kilts!

Historic Rail Fair
at Ardenwood
Saturday-Monday, September 1-3, (times?)
Ardenwood Historic Farm, 34600 Ardenwood Boulevard, Fremont
check price $8 adults, $5 children 4-17, children under 3 free

“Ardenwood’s railroad will bring local history alive with a steam locomotive, equipment displays, model railroad layouts, handcar rides, and more. Sponsored by The Railroad Museum at Ardenwood.”

King's Mountain Art Fair
Saturday-Monday, September 1-3, 10:00AM-5:00PM
Kings Mountain Community Center, 13889 Skyline Boulevard, Woodside (on the Peninsula)

"The Kings Mountain Art Fair is an annual event, held every Labor Day weekend. The Art Fair benefits the Kings Mountain Volunteer Fire Brigade and other community activities, including the Kings Mountain Elementary School, and is staffed completely by volunteers from the local community.

Known for its stunning location among the redwoods and for its unique and varied artists (selected by jury), the Kings Mountain Art Fair celebrates over 40 years of art and ambiance. Come visit!

Fair admission and parking are free."

Adobe/Cob Oven Workshop
Sunday, September 2, 10:00AM-5:00PM
Kenwood Farmhouse, 9255 Sonoma Highway, Sonoma
sliding scale from $40-$80
for more information or to register, please call 707-320-3609
or e-mail livingearthstructures@yahoo.com

“How would you like to learn how to build a wood-fired oven that can bake pizzas in just 2 minutes and stays hot for 10 hours to bake bread the next morning?  In this all day workshop, we will learn how to:
Identify good soil for building an earthen structure
Build a sturdy foundation
Insulate and set bricks for the the floor
Build an amazingly good working oven
Insulate the walls of the oven
Sculpt, plaster and seal the oven

This is a great opportunity to meet new people while working with the Earth, learn a valuable new skill, get some good healthy exercise, and have fun in a beautiful backyard garden in lovely Kenwood.”

Goddess Awakening - Temple services for She of 10,000 Names
with Rabbit, Iris, and guest Priestesses
Sunday, September 2, 11:00AM-12:00PM, (and the first Sunday of every month)
The Sacred Well, 536 Grand Avenue, Oakland, 510-444-9355
Donations gratefully accepted
Women only

"Women! Join Rabbit and Iris as they share myths that explore and validate the many different experiences of womanhood, from the precious to the painful and back. We all find a Mother, Healer, and Queen in the Goddess, and She can help us honor the lessons of our own experiences.”

Oakland Pride
Sunday, September 2, 11:00AM-7:00PM
19th Street and Franklin Street, Oakland
see website for detailed map and schedule
$10 General Admission, $5 Seniors over 65/Youth under 12

“Oakland Pride exploded onto the pride scene in 2010 with a first year event so large and fabulous that it has been branded Northern California’s second largest pride. 2012 marks the 3rd year of Oakland’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride celebration and we have gone the extra mile to ensure there is something for everyone. In additional to four stages featuring a diverse lineup of over 75 wonderful artists, Oakland Pride will host pavilions for seniors, HIV/AIDS Health, and the Asian Pacific Islander (API) Community. Our Family Coalition, Children’s Fairyland and The Oakland Public Library have teamed up to host a fun-filled Family Garden with live entertainment and interactive activities for children of all ages. With all of this plus almost 200 vendors and exhibitors providing a wide variety of food, merchandise, and information. Oakland Pride is sure to be a crowd pleaser!

Come celebrate a proud day on the sunny side of the Bay!!”

A Course In Modern Conjure
with Chas Bogan
Sunday, September 2, 3:00-6:00PM, and the first Sunday of every month
The Mystic Dream, 1437 N Broadway, Walnut Creek, 925-933-2342
$30 per session
This year-long series began in June.

“Learn new and traditional practices for American folk magic, known also as Hoodoo, Rootwork, Hedge Witchery and Conjure.

Discussions and training will include the following topics:
Conjuring energy and spirits from herbs, stones, minerals, and animal curios.
Working with the ancestors and the use of graveyard dirt and bone curios.
Techniques and uses for psalms, seals and personal sigils.
Formularies and hands on instruction on concocting oils, powders, baths and other magical apothecaries.

This class plots a course intended to help you evolve as a Rootworker, covering history, spiritual cleansing, psychic development, the arts of hexing and healing, building relationships with the divine world around us, and much more.

For this class we will examine how to conjure the power found in herbs. As a foundation for making our own apothecary products throughout the class we will work with herbal allies to create an herb blend used for money drawing. We will approach this work according to the Doctrine of Signatures and shamanic exploration of the spirits within herbs. We will also examine various other methods traditionally used for money drawing.

Chas Bogan is an artist and mystic, having studied and practiced many diverse forms of metaphysics for the past 25 years. That experience is reflected in his art, which ranges from the design of unique divination tools to various other forms of sacred expression. His shamanic talents have lead him to create various collections of spiritual supplies crafted for Modern Conjure Brand, such as baths; oils; powders; waters; and more. He is available for consultations and spiritual work by appointment Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; during which he may be serving my clients in my capacity as a Reiki Master Teacher; Rootworker; Tarot Reader; Conjure Doctor. He teaches various magical arts including the Feri Tradition of which he is an initiate.”

Healing With The Spirits Of The Ancient Healers
A Medicine Song Event For Women
(Men’s event coming up September 30)
with Karen Glenn
Sunday, September 2, 5:30-7:30PM
The Enlightened Mind, 409 E Campbell Avenue, Suite 220, Campbell
Please call 408-370-0333 to reserve your seat. Seating is limited.

“Started from a single, yet powerful women's event, this new monthly women's gathering will fill your heart and soul. Understanding that women want and need a deep level of healing and support that will take them through the evening and into the next event, the Medicine Song Healers (Medicine Men, Medicine Women, and Shamans) that Karen Glenn channels have lovingly chosen to honor the requests of the women who attended the first women's Medicine Song event and to create a monthly gathering where the women can come connect, experience, and heal.

These monthly gatherings will focus on the needs of the women who attend the event. The Medicine Song Healers will choose songs and tones that will settle and prepare everyone for the healings, connect them to their higher selves, and help to release the pain, trauma, and other blocks held by the individual women, as well as, the women as a group.  Since each song is specifically designed to work for the individual it will be sung for, and for the energy and needs of the group as well, no two events will be alike.

Come sit with the spirits of the ancient Medicine Men, Medicine Women, and Shamans as they sing their divine healing songs for you.”  

Abbot's Bromliad
Monday, September 3, 11:00AM-3:00PM
Joaquin Miller Park, 3594 Sanborn Drive, Oakland
Free event, but please RSVP at the Evite below

"Abbots Bromley and traditional English dance enthusiasts are invited to join California Revels in a day of good friends, good music, good dancing another celebration of the Abbots Bromley antler dance.

Every September since at least the middle ages the dancers in the English village of Abbots Bromley take up the traditional horns for a legendary trek of dancing through the town and countryside. California Revels celebrates the festivities on Labor Day.

We are calling for dance teams and individuals to come together for a day of picnicking, dancing and music which will culminate in the third annual Bromliad - a mass dance of the Abbots Bromley antler dance.Be sure to fill out the information requested in the box at the right. Let us know if you'll be bringing your Morris team, fiddle, flute, etc. or any other way you'd like to participate. Then pass it on to your friends using the "Invite More" tab below.

DIRECTIONS: We'll be dancing and picnicking in this beautiful glade. Here's how to find Joaquin Miller Park Make a left into the park at the upper Sanborn intersection - you'll see a sign for Woodminster Amphitheater. You can park for free along Joaquin Miller Road and walk in, or park at the community center just inside the park ($5) and walk down. There may also be free parking in the Amphitheater lots. We'll be in the first glade along the trail downhill from the Sanborn entrance. We'll post a sign.

Gates open at 11:00AM for picnicking. Bromliad begins at 1pm. Bring a blanket, your own picnic, and anything you would like to add to the festivities. Costumes, antlers, hobby horses, parasols, toy archery bows, fool hats, musical instruments and silliness are all encouraged."

Labor Day Ritual
Presented by The Fellowship of the Spiral Path’s Gateway Circle
Tuesday, September 4, 7:30-9:00PM (and the first Tuesday of every month)
BFUU Main Hall, 1924 Cedar Street, Berkeley
Donations gratefully accepted

“The ritual will start as close to 7:30 PM as possible. Please be prompt.

Bring something that makes you yourself workwise

Potluck? Bring Finger Food if desired

All are welcome to this open public outreach circle sponsored by the Fellowship of the Spiral Path.”

South Bay Pagan Salon
Tuesday, September 4, 7:30PM (and the first and third Tuesday of every month)
Cafe at Books Inc, 301 Castro Street, Mountain View
for more information, contact Jason Mankey at panmankey@gmail.com

Jason says:
“We'd like to formally invite you to join us the first and third Tuesdays of every month for the South Bay Pagan Salon. The SBPS is a discussion and networking group, dedicated to talking about "Pagan Things" and networking in the Bay Area. Generally we'll start each meeting with a specific topic to get the discussion rolling along, but after we get started it'll be rather open ended with the participants dictating where the discussion will go.

We hope you'll join us.

No donations required, heck, if you show up I just might buy you a cup of coffee.

If you've got questions, I might have answers. Email me (Jason) at panmankey@gmail.com

Freddie Mercury’s Birthday
Wednesday, September 5

Put on your craziest hat and pay tribute to this avatar of my own patron God!
2011 tribute video:
Best Google Doodle Evar!!!!!

If you want to get him a gift, please make a donation in his name to one of these charities:

Or have even more fun and raise money by becoming Freddie for a day! http://www.freddieforaday.com

(You could be Mercury for a Day, but it’s just not the same...)

Lover of Life, Singer of Songs!

Dancing Priestess and Snake Yoga Retreat for Women
with Le’ema Kathleen Graham
Friday-Tuesday, September 7-11
Isis Oasis Temple, 20889 Geyserville Avenue, Geyserville
$650 if registered by August 29, $695 after August 29
includes accommodation at Isis Oasis, organic meals, spa day at Harbin Hot Springs
For more information or to register, please call Le’ema at 415-479-3892 or 888-442-4497

“Shed that old skin for 2012 and prepare to walk through the portal of rebirth a whole new you!

Relish four magical days and nights at Isis Oasis Temple including one full spa day at Harbin Hot Springs. We'll be immersed in the Divine Feminine and also immerse ourselves in the unsurpassed healing waters of Harbin.

This year's retreat includes new classes in the sacred, silly or sexy Art of Burlesque as well as Sufi Meditation practices and Whirling! Also we will have an eclectic ART surprise!”

Have a Magical Week Alive with Golden Moonlight Energy!

Molly Blue Dawn

Molly Blue Dawn's List of Events for September 2012 and beyond - Mark Your Calendars!

Mark your calendars for:

Scottish Highland Games
Saturday-Sunday, September 1-2
Pleasanton Fairgrounds, 4501 Pleasanton Avenue, Pleasanton
see website for schedule and ticket details

Taber tossing!  Bagpipes!  Whiskey!  Kilts!

King's Mountain Art Fair
Saturday-Monday, September 1-3, 10:00AM-5:00PM
Kings Mountain Community Center, 13889 Skyline Boulevard, Woodside (on the Peninsula)

"The Kings Mountain Art Fair is an annual event, held every Labor Day weekend. The Art Fair benefits the Kings Mountain Volunteer Fire Brigade and other community activities, including the Kings Mountain Elementary School, and is staffed completely by volunteers from the local community.

Known for its stunning location among the redwoods and for its unique and varied artists (selected by jury), the Kings Mountain Art Fair celebrates over 40 years of art and ambiance. Come visit!

Fair admission and parking are free."

Oakland Pride
Sunday, September 2, 11:00AM-7:00PM
19th Street and Franklin Street, Oakland
see website for detailed map and schedule
$10 General Admission, $5 Seniors over 65/Youth under 12

“Oakland Pride exploded onto the pride scene in 2010 with a first year event so large and fabulous that it has been branded Northern California’s second largest pride. 2012 marks the 3rd year of Oakland’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride celebration and we have gone the extra mile to ensure there is something for everyone. In additional to four stages featuring a diverse lineup of over 75 wonderful artists, Oakland Pride will host pavilions for seniors, HIV/AIDS Health, and the Asian Pacific Islander (API) Community. Our Family Coalition, Children’s Fairyland and The Oakland Public Library have teamed up to host a fun-filled Family Garden with live entertainment and interactive activities for children of all ages. With all of this plus almost 200 vendors and exhibitors providing a wide variety of food, merchandise, and information. Oakland Pride is sure to be a crowd pleaser!

Come celebrate a proud day on the sunny side of the Bay!!”

Goddess Festival
Friday-Sunday, September 7-9
Redwood Forest in Santa Cruz area
see website for detailed registration information

“Goddess Festival 2012 - Women and Trees

Please join us for Z Budapest’s women-only Goddess Festival 2012!Women are gathering again in the Redwood Forest of the Northern California Santa Cruz Mountains, September 7th-9th.
Entertainment will include a wide array of Goddess music and musical performances. We will have rituals lead by Z Budapest happening every day.

We have two days of powerfully sacred workshops lead by some of the most spiritually focused women of our times. We have ordination rituals. Initiation rituals. Musical Goddess sing-a-longs! Drum-a-longs! And a swimming pool for the heat of the day! Endless forests to explore as you commune with the ancient Redwoods! All of Nature is just a step outside your cabin door… and wonderful Sisters to share the whole experience with.

All meals are prepared for us. There is no work duty. No food to cook. No dishes to do. The Camp’s staff does it all for us.

This year’s presenters include:
Susun Weed
Diana Paxson
Max Dashu
M. Flora Peterson

You can attend the workshops, listen to music, you can shop with the vendors, you can walk amongst the redwoods or you can rest. What you do when is up to you.
At night we light a huge bonfire in the center of our sacred ritual space deep in the heart of the redwood forest and then, we gather round. We sing. We dance. We worship the Goddess. We recognize the goddess in each other. We celebrate life!”

Dancing Priestess and Snake Yoga Retreat for Women
with Le’ema Kathleen Graham
Friday-Tuesday, September 7-11
Isis Oasis Temple, 20889 Geyserville Avenue, Geyserville
$650 if registered by August 29, $695 after August 29
includes accommodation at Isis Oasis, organic meals, spa day at Harbin Hot Springs
For more information or to register, please call Le’ema at 415-479-3892 or 888-442-4497

“Shed that old skin for 2012 and prepare to walk through the portal of rebirth a whole new you!

Relish four magical days and nights at Isis Oasis Temple including one full spa day at Harbin Hot Springs. We'll be immersed in the Divine Feminine and also immerse ourselves in the unsurpassed healing waters of Harbin.

This year's retreat includes new classes in the sacred, silly or sexy Art of Burlesque as well as Sufi Meditation practices and Whirling! Also we will have an eclectic ART surprise!”

Second Annual Conference on Earth-Based, Nature-Centered, Polytheistic and Indigenous Faiths - cancelled for 2012,
Re-scheduled to September 28, 2013

There will be no Conference this year, as not enough presenters or attendees have shown interest.  The Conference is now being planned for September 28, 2013.

Lamplight Tours of Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery
Friday-Saturday, September 14-15,
7:30PM, 7:50PM, 8:10PM, 8:30PM, 8:50PM, 9:10PM, 9:30PM, 9:50PM
Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, 1600 Franklin Avenue, Santa Rosa
For additional information, please call 707-543-3292
Space is limited, please pre-register - see website below:

“Walk at night through Santa Rosa’s oldest cemetery to see and hear all new dramatic portrayals of some of our city’s early settlers. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a flashlight.

Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery was established as the result of an accident. In November of 1854 a young father, who had arrived from Missouri only a matter of weeks before, drowned in a pond near the center of town. He was buried on land that was part of a Mexican grant given to one of the earliest settlers of Santa Rosa, Dona Maria Ignacia Lopez de Carrillo. Soon other families needed burial places, and the area became an unofficial cemetery. In 1867 the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery Association was formed and burial plots in the 17-acre site were formally offered for sale.

Sales of plots continued through 1930, through records of these transactions have been lost. During this period of 70-plus years, parts of the land were sold off, and three separate but adjacent cemeteries were established: the Stanley, Moke, and Fulkerson Cemeteries. Today the four cemeteries combined are owned by the City of Santa Rosa and known collectively as Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery. The only burials permitted today are those of descendants of families who held deeds to cemetery plots. The total number of burials is over 5200.

Neglect and vandalism took their toll on the cemetery through years of unclear ownership and sporadic maintenance. A Restoration Committee organized by dedicated volunteers in 1994 and operating under the aegis of the City of Recreation and Parks Department has made great strides in repairing damage, clearing overgrowth, and planning for permanent maintenance. In 1997, the City of Santa Rosa awarded Historical Landmark status to the Rural Cemetery.

Docent-led tours during the summer months acquaint visitors with the history of the town and the many town pioneers who are buried here. Lamplight Tours, conducted in September as fund-raising events, present dramatic vignettes from the lives of the famous and not-so-famous people buried in the Rural Cemetery.”

Ardenwood Shakespeare Festival and Renaissance Faire - cancelled for this year

There will be no Ardenwood Faire for 2012, as Ardenwod Historic Farm has had to cancel events due to lack of funds.  Check the Renaissance Productions website for more great events happening in Northern California.

Kathmandu Fall Festival
Saturday-Sunday, September 15-16, 11:00AM-5:00PM
Veterans Memorial Hall, 126 First Street West, Sonoma
$10 suggested donation

“Step into another world and experience the exotic sights, sounds and flavors of Nepal and the Himalayas at the 8th Annual Kathmandu Festival.

The Kathmandu Festival celebrates the diverse cultures of Nepal, Tibet and India through traditional Himalayan music and lively dance performances throughout both days. Stroll through a colorful marketplace to shop for jewelry, clothing, art, antiques and crafts. Savor mouth-watering momos and other traditional fresh-cooked cuisine. Take a virtual tour of Nepal at the Photo Gallery and video show.

New this year: Get ready to to immerse yourself in the extraordinary culture of Nepal! Children’s Medical Aid Foundation is presenting A Nite in Nepal, to be held Saturday, September 15, 7:00-10:00PM during the Kathmandu Festival weekend at the Veterans Memorial Hall in Sonoma, 126 1st Street West. A Nite in Nepal features celebrated musician and singer Sukhawat Ali Khan, a scrumptious banquet prepared by A Taste of Himalaya, and cultural dance performances by local Nepalese. Come dance, eat and enjoy a wonderful Nite in Nepal!

Tickets for the Festival are $10 per person, with free admission for children age 12 and under. The Saturday evening banquet and show tickets are $35 per person, and include free admission to the Kathmandu Festival on Sunday. There will be a silent auction and hourly raffles for fine dining, weekend getaways and other prizes from some of the Sonoma Wine Country’s best venues.

Proceeds from the event will benefit Children’s Medical Aid Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing corrective surgery for Nepalese children with birth defects, and building medical clinics to serve impoverished families in rural areas of Nepal.”

Casa de Fruta Renaissance Faire
Saturdays-Sundays, September 15-October 14, 10:00AM-6:00PM
10021 Pacheco Pass Hwy 152, Gate 6, Hollister (south of Gilroy)
$25 Adults, Children under 12 Free!  Parking $5
Discounted tickets available through the website

This is the big one!  Check the website for details about theme weekends and Saturday evening concerts so you can choose which day to go!

Nature and Soul Retreat for Autumn Equinox
with Jan Edl Stein, MFT
Friday, September 21, 9:30AM-4:00PM
Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center, 1601 Shoreline Highway, Muir Beach, 415-383-3134
$118 early registration up to two weeks before the event, $140 within two weeks of the event

“Nature and Soul: A day of retreat where nature mirrors our inner landscape

This seasonally offered retreat is a day of renewal and rediscovery, as we open ourselves to the land around us in addition to the landscapes within us.  This is a deeply experiential daylong retreat for restoration of health, psyche and spirit, offering a renewal of the soul's intention and a re-connection with the elements of nature that support us.  We will slow down and take in the beauty that surrounds us and let nature reflect the shapes and patterns that are held in the psyche.

The day is a combination of indoor experiences that involves guided meditation and inner journey process and outdoor, land-based contemplative practices. The experience as a whole is an embodied example of eco-therapy.  Each retreat day reflects themes of the season in the meditations, journeys and our approach to the elements we discover in nature.
No previous experience is necessary.

The retreat takes place in the beautiful setting of Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center, with its splendid coastal range flora, meandering gardens, Japanese architecture, and easy walk to the beach.  An organic, vegetarian lunch (included in registration fee)  is offered to the group in the dining hall.  Retreat fees include lunch and refreshments.

Details on how to prepare for the day an a confirmation of registration will be sent one week before the event.

Retreat leader, Jan Edl Stein MFT, is the director of Holos Institute and a licensed psychotherapist with many years of experience in guiding people into deep explorations in their own psyche as they open to deeper levels of perception in the natural world.

Autumn Equinox: Harvesting creations and turning inward. This will be a day to reflect upon all you have created in your inner and outer worlds and a preparation for releasing.”

Sacramento Pagan Pride Harvest Festival
Saturday-Sunday, September 22-23
Fair Oaks VFW Hall, 8990 Kruithof Way, Fair Oaks

“Pagan Pride Day and Harvest Festival is place where magic is afoot, and fairies dance. It is where you can learn the ways of old or learn just enjoy life.

Pagan Pride Day and Harvest Festival goal is to educate the masses, those who are looking for fellowship, and bring the community together. And of course, this is all done with fun and mayhem.”

Birthing Your Soul’s Calling
A Three-Day Initiatory Journey Into A Greater Than Imagined Life
with Devaa Haley Mitchell and Elayne Kalila Doughty
Friday-Monday, September 28-October 1
Earth Rise Retreat Center at IONS, 101 San Antonio Road, Petaluma
see website for registration information
women only

“You’re a soulful woman. You’re self-aware, motivated, talented, and you’ve been successful in many undertakings and important projects. And yet…

You sense even greater possibilities for your life. You yearn to move beyond a vanilla life that is working ‘fine’ to a life that is filled with passion and greater meaning. You want to touch people and be the brightest light you can be. And you’re willing to die to an old way of being so that something new and much more soul aligned can be born.

But you’re hesitant, maybe even afraid, to venture into this unknown territory. You don’t know how to move beyond your comfort zone - especially since you haven’t been taught how to navigate the terrain, and you haven’t been given a map for where you’re going.
We truly understand. We were once there ourselves.

Together we will stretch our collective mind out of its slumbering predictability and help you invite in miracles for your personal story - and for our planet as a whole.

As our world is also preparing for a major shift, we see a deep need for what we call ‘planetary soulful midwives’ who can skillfully help hospice out a dying world and usher in the new. These midwives are needed for the larger collective birth process that’s underway. But they are also needed to help each of us to find our own unique piece in this bigger puzzle.

These soul midwives are among us. In fact, we (Devaa and Elayne) know that playing this role is part of our sacred function in this lifetime. You may be a soul midwife yourself.

And as midwives, we are here to show you a way through and provide you with a safe container in which to birth the bigger story of your life-and your soul’s true calling.

We are calling you to imagine beyond the confines of what you think is possible and stand in the truth of YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. Join us, and we will lift you into your greater than imagined life!”

Earth Medicine Alliance Annual Conference

Celebrating Ancestral Wisdom
Saturday-Sunday, October 20-21  
First Unitarian Universalist Center, 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco
see Brown Paper Tickets link for registration details

“Our 2012 conference will be the weekend of Oct 20-21st in San Francisco.  We'll follow basically the same format as the previous two years.  We are open to suggestions for presenters who have a solid background in ritual work with the ancestors and who are comfortable working in an interfaith/multi-cultural setting.  We're looking forward to a great third annual conference and hope you can join us!”

Folsom Renaissance Faire
Saturday-Sunday, October 20-21, Saturday 10:00AM-6:00PM, Sunday 10:00AM-5:00PM
Folsom City Lions Park, 50 Natoma Street, Folsom
$14.00 adults, $9.00 students, seniors (55+) and children 6-12, under six free

“Experience the Magic and The Merriment of The Renaissance in Folsom!

The rising young star of London's theater scene, Will Shakespeare, faces a scourge like no other: a paralyzing bout of writer’s block while the great Elizabethan age of entertainment unfolds around him. Will is without inspiration on material. What Will needs is a muse and in an extraordinary town whilst on progress with Her Most Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, he finds himself surrounded by numerous quirky characters who draw him into an amazing, dramatic adventure of action and love. Their stories make their way into his plays and into our hearts. The theme of the Faire is Shakespeare's Muse.

Over October 20-21, the Folsom City Lions Park will be transformed to a delightful Elizabethan town filled with myriad characters and vignettes resembling those of Shakespeare's plays we so dearly love. In addition, over 900 costumed entertainers and over 100 shopkeepers and artisans will add to the ambiance of the Faire.The Festival will be the ultimate Renaissance bash, a lively Dionysian party, where the guests enjoy turkey legs, exotic food, and drink as they banter with the myriad performers filling the streets. The event sports one-of-a-kind shows, music, and comedy.

The Joust!
The Weekends highlight will be a full contact joust. Men and horse collide and do battle right before your eyes.Say hello to Imperial Knights!

Proceeds of the Faire, and from some of the booths, goes to benefit:

The Folsom CAVE Teen Centers
Located at each of the middle schools in Folsom, they provide over 700 students a week with a supervised drop-in after school program that is free to the participants.

The Friends of the Folsom Public Library
A nonprofit, volunteer organization that supports the Folsom Library and literacy programs for adults and children in the Folsom area.

The Folsom Rotary Club.

Support the Community!  Bring a can of food and get $2.00 off adult admission.”

Living In The Wisdom Of Ancestral Healing
A Sacred Gathering For Women Of All Ages
with Mbali Creazzo and Mahealani Uchiyama
Saturday-Sunday, October 27-28, 9:30AM-6:00PM
Humanist Hall, 390 27th Street, Oakland
for more information, contact Iya Mahea at 510-827-3997 or iyamahea@thesacredforest.org

“Mbali Creazzo - voice for the ancestors,  Medicine Woman, Ceremonial and Ritual leader joins with Mahealani Uchiyama - priestess of Ifa, dancer and musician, in a unique and exciting collaboration that will draw from the healing wisdom of Africa, with dance, ritual drumming and song, and ceremony as we answer the earth’s call for us to reawaken ancient aspects of ourselves…

In a safe space, of mutual consent we will:
Reconnect to the wisdom of the Ancestors
Gain insight into the transformational life force of Fire
Understand Water as an agent of healing, reconciliation and empowerment
Through community, drumming, movement and ritual we will reawaken the ancient aspects of ourselves
There will be an opportunity to browse our open market filled with a rich and diverse selection of ceremonial jewelry, traditional crafts and music.

What to bring:
Bring Percussion instruments, Rattles, drums.  1 Red and 1 Blue candle.  Photos of Ancestors (or a red stone). Waters from a natural source (Optional). Lunch for both days, and water.
(Light snacks such as tea and coffee will be provided.)

What to wear:
Loose casual clothing”

San Francisco Green Festival
Saturday-Sunday, November 10-11
SF Concourse Exhibition Center, 635 8th Street, San Francisco

“This is the first and original ‘Party with a Purpose’; don't miss the celebration, education and rejuvenation, all yours for the taking at San Francisco Green Festival 2012. As a city winning awards for inspiring green living and alternative power programs, it's no surprise that San Francisco is the home of the original Green Festival. Celebrated in San Francisco since 2002, it is the largest Green Festival of the five cities. The San Francisco Green Festival captures the mood and festivities as a ‘Party with a Purpose.’ Expect both inspiring and pragmatic programming reflecting the Bay Area’s diversity of interests with over 125 informative workshops, sessions, demonstrations and talks. Great live music, all-weekend film installation, a fun and engaging Green Kids' Zone, mouthwatering vegan, raw and vegetarian food vendors, top local organic beer makers and wine vintners and the best responsible shopping found anywhere.”

Nature and Soul Retreat for Winter Solstice
with Jan Edl Stein, MFT
Friday, December 21, 9:30AM-4:00PM
Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center, 1601 Shoreline Highway, Muir Beach, 415-383-3134
$118 early registration up to two weeks before the event, $140 within two weeks of the event

“Nature and Soul: A day of retreat where nature mirrors our inner landscape

This seasonally offered retreat is a day of renewal and rediscovery, as we open ourselves to the land around us in addition to the landscapes within us.  This is a deeply experiential daylong retreat for restoration of health, psyche and spirit, offering a renewal of the soul's intention and a re-connection with the elements of nature that support us.  We will slow down and take in the beauty that surrounds us and let nature reflect the shapes and patterns that are held in the psyche.

The day is a combination of indoor experiences that involves guided meditation and inner journey process and outdoor, land-based contemplative practices. The experience as a whole is an embodied example of eco-therapy.  Each retreat day reflects themes of the season in the meditations, journeys and our approach to the elements we discover in nature.
No previous experience is necessary.

The retreat takes place in the beautiful setting of Green Gulch Farm and Zen Center, with its splendid coastal range flora, meandering gardens, Japanese architecture, and easy walk to the beach.  An organic, vegetarian lunch (included in registration fee)  is offered to the group in the dining hall.  Retreat fees include lunch and refreshments.

Details on how to prepare for the day an a confirmation of registration will be sent one week before the event.

Retreat leader, Jan Edl Stein MFT, is the director of Holos Institute and a licensed psychotherapist with many years of experience in guiding people into deep explorations in their own psyche as they open to deeper levels of perception in the natural world.

Winter Solstice: Honoring the still point within and finding ease with darkness. In this darkest day of the year, we will seek out a place of wisdom that resides in stillness and shadow.”